Saturday, July 10, 2010

Your Government Is Killing You

The FDA is in the news again – this time for approving a drug called Avandia for diabetes that the agency NOW is CONSIDERING withdrawal from the market (after so many people have died from heart attacks). How did the drug get approved? Well, I believe the process is Big Pharmaceutical submits its own test results, and the FDA says “awesome, btw, can you send me some more money, because we like money,” then rubber stamps it through. Things are cool as long as the TPS report has the right cover sheet.

So, where’s the problem? People taking the med start dropping like flies from heart attacks. The FDA has to actually go back and look at the testing the Big Pharma did. Suckage for the FDA to actually have to read and analyze something. Now they find the test was biased, poorly designed, missing data, problems were not followed up on (what types of problems exactly, you know, those dead people), etc.

Interesting that the test compared Avandia with two other pharmaceutical drugs… I’d like to know how it compared to alternative methods of healing, a nutritious diet, nothing at all. Would those poor stoopid guinea pig people have died from heart failure? (I refer to not the guinea pig people in the tests, but the guinea pig people who took Avandia prescribed by their doctor after FDA approval, before this possible market withdrawal.) We’ll never know, because that’s not the kind of test results the FDA and Traditional Medicine are interested in knowing.

A “meta-study” (which means studying the results from many of the other studies) (and we know the other studies were pretty jacked up) showed a 43% increased risk in heart attacks for people on Avandia compared to the other two drugs…I can only imagine how high the REAL number might be since the data in the other studies has already been manipulated.

BTW, did you know that in the last 35 years, the FDA has NEVER approved any NONTOXIC drug, herb, or vitamin for cancer treatment? Why is that…because their friends, Big Pharma, do not want a successful plant-based drug. They can’t patent a plant and make tons of money off it. Have I mentioned how much we like money?

Have you ever wondered why you are subjected to 20 pharmaceutical drug commercials in one evening’s viewing of television? Let me share something else with you. Henry Gadsden, CEO of Merck, told Fortune magazine in a 1976 interview that his dream was to make drugs for healthy people. He was distressed about the cap on his company’s profits since his product was limited to use by only sick people.

The constant barrage of advertising is working on the Stoopid American Masses! You can now demand that your doctor prescribe you a pill to make your other anti-depression pills work better, to stop your natural urge to pee more frequently as you age, to deal with your leg twitching occasionally when you sleep, the list of ridiculous goes on and on.

I so mistrust and despise the FDA that I even wonder what’s behind this story now. A Stoopid American might think the FDA is trying to right a wrong or come clean. I suspect that the maker of Avandia has ticked off the FDA on some other matter and this is a retaliatory spanking by the FDA or a demand for increased blood-money payments. Or that a competitor has got a different drug “in trials” and they have deeper pockets.

I know I will forget which dots I had wanted to connect, and that really bites, but wouldn’t it be crazee if 6-12 months from now we read in the news: “FDA Approves New Drug For Diabetes.”

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